Summary of the book “Breaking Negative Relationship Patterns” by Bruce Stevens

breaking negative relationship patternsbreaking negative relationship patterns

The book “Breaking Negative Relationship Patterns” by Bruce Stevens examines destructive patterns in relationships and strategies for changing them. Stevens believes that many relationship problems stem from destructive patterns that form during childhood.

Here is a summary of the key ideas in the book:

Destructive patterns: Stevens explores various types of destructive patterns in relationships, including dependency, control, abuse, and more.

Impact of destructive patterns: Stevens discusses the impact of destructive patterns on relationships, including reduced trust, intimacy, and satisfaction.

Roots of destructive patterns: Stevens examines the roots of destructive patterns in childhood experiences, including harmful experiences and unhealthy relationships with parents.

Changing destructive patterns: Stevens provides solutions for changing destructive patterns, including therapy, communication skills training, and more.

The book “Breaking Negative Relationship Patterns” consists of 10 chapters:

Chapter 1: Introduces destructive patterns in relationships.
Chapter 2: Examines the impact of destructive patterns on relationships.
Chapter 3: Discusses the roots of destructive patterns in childhood.
Chapter 4: Explores strategies for changing destructive patterns.
Chapter 5: Discusses strategies for changing destructive patterns in romantic relationships.
Chapter 6: Explores strategies for changing destructive patterns in family relationships.
Chapter 7: Discusses strategies for changing destructive patterns in friendships.
Chapter 8: Explores strategies for changing destructive patterns in work relationships.
Chapter 9: Examines obstacles to changing destructive patterns.
Chapter 10: Provides a summary of the book’s contents.

Who can benefit from the book “Breaking Negative Relationship Patterns”?

Individuals facing difficulties in their relationships: This book can help you identify destructive patterns in your relationships, understand their roots, and find solutions to address them.

Individuals looking to improve their relationships: This book can help you improve your relationships with others by using the strategies presented in the book.

Mental health professionals: This book can serve as a valuable resource for mental health professionals in treating relational problems and helping individuals change their behavioral patterns.


The book “Breaking the Destructive Patterns in Relationships” is a comprehensive and practical guide to understanding and changing destructive patterns in human relationships. Based on the idea that many relationship problems stem from destructive patterns formed during childhood.

Tips for reading the book “Breaking Negative Relationship Patterns”:

It’s best to read the book step by step and carefully.
Regularly practice the exercises in the book.
Seek help from a mental health professional if needed.

Quotes from the continuation of the book:

“Healthy relationships are built on trust, respect, and intimacy.”
“To have healthy relationships, we must first love ourselves and value ourselves.”
“Changing destructive patterns in relationships takes time and effort, but it is possible.”

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